With all the discussion of dropping 32-bit support from WebPositive and HaikuWebKit, I've been thinking about JavaScript compilation that's AOT...With all the discussion of dropping 32-bit support from WebPositive and HaikuWebKit, I've been thinking about JavaScript compilation that's AOT instead of JIT.
I've forked QuickJS already and am going to be looking at the bytecode to see if I can feed it into LibGCCJIT in its AOT mode to generate a .so file for Haiku for each JavaScript file WebPositive encounters.
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Niklas Poslovski
That's an interesting experiment.Also,it's the first time I ever hear about QuickJS.Are there any limitations in compatibility compared to...
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4 weeks ago

Samuel D. Crow
Unfortunately, WebCore has large files as well. Replacing JavaScript is insufficient to the task. The limits of QuickJS are that it runs its...
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4 weeks ago