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Another possibility I was thinking of is Polyglot (, a translation service made especially for Haiku applications and... Show more

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For the last few days, I was thinking about making translations for BeAIM easier. Obviously, none of the big translation services supports the Haiku... Show more

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Working with code that originates from someone else can sometimes cause good surprises. I've been working on BeAIM for quite some time now, but only... Show more

With all the discussion of dropping 32-bit support from WebPositive and HaikuWebKit, I've been thinking about JavaScript compilation that's AOT... Show more

Niklas Poslovski That's an interesting experiment.Also,it's the first time I ever hear about QuickJS.Are there any limitations in compatibility compared to... Show more 4 weeks ago
Samuel D. Crow Unfortunately, WebCore has large files as well. Replacing JavaScript is insufficient to the task. The limits of QuickJS are that it runs its... Show more 4 weeks ago

I've just released BeAIM 1.6.2 which brings some bugfixes and makes it a lot easier to build your own package. Pre-build packages are available at... Show more

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Looking at fixing sound effects in BeAIM, I found a rather small but surprising file in Haiku that should actually handle the playback:... Show more

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Today I created the Haiku User Map, a little toy project that can show where Haiku developers and users live (if they want). It's more or less the... Show more

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Marisa Giancarla Ok thanks. I will ask the dev about that. You could also zip the hpkg file too... ? 3 weeks ago
Niklas Poslovski Thanks for your work.Yes,zipping the hpkg file is technically possible,but it adds extra inconvenience and doesn't make much sense for a single... Show more 3 weeks ago
Marisa Giancarla Ok good points. I will ask the dev 3 weeks ago

I've just released BeAIM version 1.6.1 which brings support for system colors (just finished!) and translations using Haikus LocaleKit rather than a... Show more

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That one took me some time (and christmas time is usually quite busy for me), but BeAIM does now fully support Haikus system colors. It looks great... Show more

That one took me some time (and christmas time is usually quite busy for me), but BeAIM does now fully support Haikus system colors. It looks great in dark mode! Text formatting still works fine with it, only black text is overwritten to B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR to avoid unreadable text.

Implementation of the LocaleKit in BeAIM is now finished, that means the application should now automatically start in your native language if... Show more

I've been working on replacing BeAIMs self-made translation library with Haikus native LocaleKit for better OS integration. Changing the source code... Show more

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Marisa Giancarla ? 3 months ago
Niklas Poslovski I'm only trying to provide some insights to my development work on the BeAIM project. That specific message is very technical, giving details about... Show more 3 months ago
Marisa Giancarla that question mark was supposed to be a thumbs up 3 months ago

I've just released BeAIM Version 1.6.0 that provides binary HPKG packages for both 64bit and 32bit on the Codeberg releases page. That marks a first... Show more

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Both SOCKS5 and HTTP(S) proxies are now working in BeAIM \o/ I got SOCKS5 working at late Sunday already. And today I found out that HTTP(S) proxies... Show more

Currently working on debugging SOCKS5 Proxy support in BeAIM, that's a hard one. It connects to the SOCKS5 server and sends some data, but that data... Show more

Currently working on debugging SOCKS5 Proxy support in BeAIM, that's a hard one. It connects to the SOCKS5 server and sends some data, but that data seems like it's missing a few important details (destination host and port, for example)

My fork of BeAIM is now open-source at - I'm pretty sure it's not yet complete, in fact I know quite a lot of areas to... Show more

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Currently working on reviving good old BeAIM. Finally we have native instant messaging on Haiku again, like in the good old days. Doesn't that look... Show more

Currently working on reviving good old BeAIM. Finally we have native instant messaging on Haiku again, like in the good old days. Doesn't that look nice?
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